Clubhouse negotiations jeopardised

The club has released the following statement regarding our ongoing plans to develop the facilities at Nethermoor.

After the good news of the successful planning application for the ground development we move on to the detail design and tendering stage. We are putting a project plan together with a view to getting builders on site in early October and getting that elusive A grade come the end of March.

We are also having very constructive discussions with the Cricket Club in order to find a way forward with the rebuild of the clubhouse and changing rooms to form modern facilities for both clubs and the community in general. There are significant complications around the redrawing of the respective clubs’ lease boundaries but given what we believe is a genuine desire on both sides to make things happen we think we can bring this to a successful conclusion over the coming months.

None of this is helped by the activities of an as yet unknown individual who took it upon him or herself to leave a number of scruffy notes around the bar encouraging supporters not to drink there. The Joint Social Club, along with many pubs and clubs, has gone through some very difficult times of late but, as can be seen, is now generating sufficient funds to allow some investment in refurbishment and new carpets.

Richard and Michelle, whilst running the bar, have made huge efforts, along with other members of the Cricket Club committee, to foster better relations between the clubs. Guiseley AFC is not prepared to see this jeopardised by the activities of rogue individuals and action will be taken should we discover the perpetrators.

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Emirates FA Cup

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