Supporters’ Club BBQ – 4th August

The Supporters’ Club will be holding their annual barbecue on Sunday 4th August from 2 pm.

The AGM will be held beforehand at 1 pm in Clubhouse, and all are welcome to attend.

Anyone who rejoins or joins the Supporters’ Club on the day will be entered into a prize draw, with prizes to be confirmed.

Membership for next season is just £5 for Adults, £2.50 for Concessions and £7.50 for a Family of two adults and two under-16s.

Alternatively, there will be reduced prices for those who rejoin by the end of August, with Adults £4, Concessions £2 and Families for £6.50.

On the day there will be a bottle/can bar (including soft drinks) while the Clubhouse will also be open for the real ale drinkers.

Entertainment will be put on, and if anyone has any particular suggestions or can offer support let us know by emailing or via the Forum.

The Guiseley Archery Club have already confirmed that they will be at Nethermoor again for what last year was an enjoyable afternoon.

Next Up:

3:00 pm
Pitching In Northern Premier League Premier Division

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