2022/23 Season Tickets Now On Sale

We are delighted to announce that our affordable 2022/23 season tickets are now on sale.

This means adults can watch The Lions for as little as £6.90 a game and just 48p per match for children!

We hope to see many new and existing fans taking up the affordable season ticket offers which represent a saving of up to £107 should you attend every home game!

Prices are set at £145 for Adults, £125 for Concessions (66 yrs+ or registered disabled), £50 for Under 18’s & students (that’s £2.38 per game) and £10 for Under 11’s (just 47p per game).

After popular demand and to entice local students, who are studying for their first degree, to Nethermoor, we are continuing our student season ticket that will cost just £50 for 21 games of Pitching In Northern Premier League football in LS20,

Prices will rise to £175 for adults, £150 for concessions and £60 for students/U18’s after 6th August 2022 which is our early bird deadline.

You can order your season ticket online today using the below forms or head to the Club Shop at Nethermoor with season tickets on sale from Tuesday 17th May 2022 at the following times:

  • Tuesday 17th May 2022 10am – 12 noon
  • Thursday 26th May 2022 2.00 – 4.00pm
  • Tuesday 14th June 2022 12 noon – 2.00pm

Tickets will also be for sale during all home pre-season friendlies, dates of which will be announced soon.

Please note if ordering online or via post you will need to submit a photo before collecting your season ticket or have one taken when you collect your season ticket.

To improve security and safety we will be issuing photo ID season tickets. So, you can:-

  • turn up and we will take your photo
  • email us a picture – please make sure you tell us who it is
  • bring a photo along with you

If you are purchasing a ticket for someone who isn’t with you, we can take their picture when they come to collect their season ticket. We are accepting postal applications with a cheque, postal order or BACs payment; cards can only be collected not posted out.

Seating: if you had a reserved seat (season 2021/22), this remains your seat.

If you have any questions you can ask us at any session or email Trudi on trudi.miller@guiseleyafc.co.uk

If you are renewing please use this form, a PDF version is also available here.

If you are a new purchaser please use this form, a PDF version is also available here.

We can also confirm match day prices:

  • £12 for adults
  • £8 for concessions/students/registered disabled
  • £5 for U18’s & students
  • £1 for accompanied U11’s

Together, anything is possible. #GAFC #GuiseleyTogether

Next Up:

3:00 pm
Pitching In Northern Premier League Premier Division

Leek Town vs Guiseley