As a thank you for your support and to encourage as many Lions fans to make the trip to Mansfield Steve Parkin and his fellow board members are offering free travel to our historic Emirates FA Cup second round fixture.
Bookings will be taken until 6:30pm on Thursday 30th November, any bookings after this time risk not securing a place on one of the free coaches.
Free seats on the coaches will be offered initially to paid season ticket holders, members of the Supporters’ Club, and Club volunteers who have until Friday 24th November to book their place; please contact Paul directly on 07518 445861.
All other enquiries are to be made to Trudi Hannaford on email and seats will be allocated on a first come basis; all seats will be confirmed by Sunday 26th November. If you are emailing please include the names of all travellers, a contact mobile number that you will have with you on the day plus the dates of birth of all passengers aged under 18. You may email your requests now.
From Monday 27th November all further enquires to be directed to Paul, if there are any remaining seats. Please note that you will be assigned a coach for your outward and return journeys, it will not be possible for you to chose which coach to travel on.
The coaches will depart Nethermoor from 10am on the day.
Under The Sporting Events (Control of Alcohol etc) Act 1985 football fans travelling on a coach are prohibited from possessing or drinking alcohol whilst travelling to or from a football match. Any alcohol found will be destroyed and you will prevented from travelling on the coach. Please note that this Act also covers flares and smoke bombs and if found in possession of any pyrotechnic you could face a three year football ban. Please adhere to the League’s Smoke No Joke guidelines.
Please keep up to date via our Social Media outlets.
We recommend all travellers purchase advance tickets priced at £12 for adults, £6 for concessions and U18s (proof of age will be required). Tickets purchased on the day of the match will retail at £15 for adults, £8 for concessions and U18s.
Tickets will be available for purchase at the next home match on Saturday 25th November 2017 at Nethermoor when we take on Sutton United in the Vanarama National League. Additional opportunities to purchase tickets will be announced next week.